Services for International Students

International Students, Students

International Student Centre Services

At the International Student Centre, you’ll find a wealth of services designed to help you adapt to university life. We can help you with settling in and making the most of your new environment, student visas and work permits, tax preparation and much more. We’re your first contact for many of your personal needs.

Services to help students arrive safely, make friends and settle in when they come to Saint Mary's. We also organize welcome sessions in September, January, May and July.

  • International Student Centre Events
    We organize an array of events to promote cultural awareness and diversity, and to encourage interaction among Canadian and international students.
  • SAGA Volunteers
    A group of international and Canadian students who come together to create events and activities on and off-campus to promote awareness of the different cultures represented at Saint Mary's University.
  • Social Media
    The International Student Centre posts news and photographs on Facebook and Twitter.
  • Lunch n' Learn Workshops
    The International Student Centre hosts monthly workshops on topics to help international students understand aspects of Canadian culture and build skills for success.
  • Study Permit Help Sessions
    The International Student Centre provides study permit renewal help sessions on a weekly basis during the academic year.
  • Income Tax Help Sessions
    The International Student Centre can support international students as they file their income tax returns. Email for more information.    

Other University Resources and Services

Contact Us

Need help settling in? Looking for some advice? We’re here to help.

Want to make an appointment? email :

Saint Mary's University
Room 305, Student Centre
923 Robie Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 3C3
