Student Forms

*To ensure your form is successfully submitted please:

  • Download the form and save it to your computer.
  • Fill out the form, save it and then send.


Academic (Grades) Appeals Form
(PDF )

  • To appeal an official final grade.
  • Required signatures on page two must be included before submitting to the Office of the Registrar.
  • For more information on final grade appeals, click here.

Academic Forgiveness Request Form (PDF)

  • Students who have returned after a period of absence (3 or more years) or successfully switched their degree and demonstrate acceptable academic performance following the absence or switch may apply for Academic Forgiveness.
  • All criteria must be met to be considered for Academic Forgiveness. (see form for criteria)
  • Return the completed form to

Academic Integrity Incident Report (form)

  • For faculty use only

Academic Integrity Appeal Form (form)

 Academic Suspension or Dismissal Appeal Form (PDF )

  • Students may appeal an academic suspension or dismissal in cases of health issues, bereavement and/or other extenuating circumstances.
  • Email the completed form along with supporting documentation to your Faculty Advising Office

Certificate Program Application (PDF )

  • Use this form if you are a current student wishing to pursue a certificate in addition to your current program.
  • Students not currently enrolled at Saint Mary’s University who wish to complete a certificate program must apply through the Admissions Office.

Change of Permanent Address (PDF )

  • Required to change your permanent address.

Change of Degree or Program (PDF )

  • Use this form to change your current degree program and/or add a second degree program.
  • Approval is required by your Faculty Advising Office.

Change of Personal Information (PDF)

  • Use this form to request to change personal information on your record (Residency, DOB etc.)
  • Documentation will be required.

Consent Release Form (PDF )

  • To authorize consent for a third party to access your student information.
  • Can be submitted: scanned and sent via email to from your SMU email account.

Dean's List Application PDF

  • Students who did not complete at least 30 credit hours from May to April but fall under one of the categories listed on the form, will need to apply for the Dean's List
  • Students do not need to apply and are automatically placed on the Dean's List if they fall under one of the these categories:
    • New students who have completed at least 24 credit hours from May to April with a GPA of 3.7 or above.
    • Returning students who have completed at least 30 credit hours from May to April with a GPA of 3.7 or above.
  • Submit form to

Directed Study Application Form (PDF)

  • Use this form to apply for a Directed Study course. Approval is required by the Department Chairperson and the Dean or their designate. 

Graduation Application  

  • To apply to graduate for an upcoming convocation ceremony.
  • Applying to graduate does not guarantee your eligibility for graduation. For additional graduation information, click here.
  • Please ensure you download the form before filling it in.
  • Return completed form by email to

 Graduation Gown Rental (PDF )

  • For students who wish to rent gown rental before or after convocation ceremonies. 
  • Please email form to

 Graduate in Absentia 

  Link to the online Graduate in Absentia Form.

  • For students who will be graduating in an upcoming convocation ceremony but will not be attending the ceremony.
  • This form must be submitted in addition to the Application for Graduation.
  • For additional graduation information, click here.

 Graduation Application Withdrawal  

  • To withdraw from a potential graduation list in order to return to active student status.
  • Please ensure you download the form before filling it in.
  • Return completed form by email to

GWGS- WGST SMU Registration Form for MSVU Students (PDF )

  • This form is used by students enrolled in the GWGS program at MSVU planning to take a course at SMU. 
  • Submit form to your GWGS Program Coordinator. 

 Honours Application (PDF )

  • Fill out the top portion of this form and submit to the Chairperson of the department in which you are applying for Honours.
  • For additional information on Honours programs, please click here.

Invitation Letter Request

  • To invite friends and family members from outside of Canada to a convocation ceremony, students will need to request an Applied to Graduate Letter from the Service Centre. Requests can be made by email.

Late Course Registration

  • Student must visit their Faculty Undergraduate Advising Centre, or the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, as below for Late registration and is subject to approval.
  • Visiting or Upgrading Students: Student must visit the Advising Office in the faculty offering the course(s) for which they intend to register for.
  • Undergraduate Advising
  • Graduate Studies and Research

Letter of Permission Request Form

   Undergraduate Students (PDF)

  • Use this form if you are a current Undergraduate student who wishes to take a course(s) at another academic institution for transfer credit towards an academic program at Saint Mary’s University.
  • Submit application to

   Graduate Letter of Permission Request Form (PDF)

  • Use this form if you are a Current Graduate Studies student who wishes to take a course(s) at another academic institution for transfer credit towards an academic program at Saint Mary’s University.
  • Submit application to

Major/Minor Declaration (Major/Minor Declaration )

Pass/No Credit (P/NC) Grade Option Application (Pass/No Credit Grading Option Request Form )

Pass/No Credit (P/NC) is a grading option for students as outlined in Academic Regulation 5. To learn more about this grading option, visit the P/NC website by clicking here.

Potential Graduate Letter (Formerly Degree Completion Letter)

The intention of this letter is to validate the date of a student's upcoming graduation and the degree/diploma/certificate which will be awarded.

  • Students who have applied to graduate AND have finished all of their courses may apply for a Degree Completion Letter. Students must have a graduation status of: Pending Winter Graduation, Pending Spring Graduation or Pending Fall Graduation. This status can be viewed on the Degree Awarded box of the Academic Transcript in Self Service Banner.
  • Students can make a request for a Degree Completion Letter online through Self Service Banner:
    • Student Records
    • Request Confirmation Letter
    • Please follow instructions provided
  • After a request is made, Degree Completion Letters will be emailed directly to the student once their Graduation audit is completed

Preferred/Chosen Name

  • Your preferred/chosen name can be updated via your Self-Service account:
    • Login to Self-Service and click on the Personal Information tab. 
    • Click on My Profile and then on the personal information box.
    • Update your preferred name under Personal Details

   Registration Appeal (PDF)

  • Registration appeals are for exceptional cases that have impacted your ability to study and complete course requirements.
  • Appeals must include professional supporting documentation.


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