Fair Trade at Saint Mary's

Four people hold up coffee sacks

Fair Trade Campus

Saint Mary’s has earned a Fair Trade Campus designation from the Canadian Fair Trade Network.

Fair Trade Campus Certificate 2024-25 SMU

The Fair Trade Campus program recognizes colleges and universities demonstrating a strong commitment to Fair Trade. Fair trade is an alternative approach to business, based on partnerships between producers and consumers. Farmers receive a minimum price, improved terms, and a social premium that helps improve their lives and enables them to plan for their future.

"While Saint Mary's University has long demonstrated academic leadership around issues of the global trade system and the role of Fair Trade in addressing injustices, we are pleased to welcome you as the 45th Fair Trade Campus of Canada. Saint Mary's students, faculty and staff continue to lead the way in taking initiatives that directly benefit farmers and producers in the Global South and build environmental resilience in their communities. Congratulations!"  - Loïc de Fabritus Gautier, Senior Manager of Advocacy & Citizen Engagement at Fairtrade Canada

To earn this designation, Saint Mary’s meets a variety of requirements for the national program, including:

  • Ensuring all applicable food service locations on Saint Mary’s campus offer Fair Trade certified coffee, tea, and chocolate options as required by Fair Trade campus program standards.
  • Ensuring one Fair Trade chocolate option is available at all applicable snack vending machines on campus.
  • Establishing and maintaining a Fair Trade Committee for our campus (the Sustainability Sub-Committee on Fair Trade) that meets on a regular basis to monitor and further Fair Trade here at Saint Mary’s.

You can learn more at Fair Trade Canada.

Fair Trade Products at Saint Mary's

Fair trade certified products (coffee, tea, and chocolate) are available from the following locations on campus:

  • The Dockside Dining Hall
  • The Colonnade C-Store
  • The Faculty Lounge
  • The Sandwich Shack
  • Snack vending machines across campus

SMU Dining's Classic Fare Catering also offers Fair Trade certified coffee, tea, and chocolate as options for catered events on campus.

Saint Marys University Fair Trade Campus Certificate

Saint Marys University Fair Trade Campus Certificate

More coming soon!

Stay tuned for more information about Fair Trade here at Saint Mary's University.