Accessibility Committee
Accessibility Committee
- The primary mandate of the committee is to advise Senate on its work, decision-making, and policy development, with a focus on accessibility, as such term is defined in the University’s Accessibility Plan.
- The committee will liaise and consult with the relevant university committees and offices on accessibility issues relevant to matters under the jurisdiction of Senate, including educational policy, teaching, and learning.
- This committee will also:
- Identify and prioritize issues of accessibility with regard to teaching and learning and provide information, advice, and policy recommendations in this regard to Senate.
- Through regular liaising with the relevant university committees and offices, maintain Senate’s awareness of University initiatives related to accessibility that impact areas for which Senate is responsible.
- Collect and share resources pertaining to accessibility, accommodations, and inclusive teaching; this will be part of the committee’s regular reports to Senate.
- Senate committee should meet with the relevant university committees / offices at least once a term.
- The committee’s chair will also sit on the relevant university committee.
- The composition of this committee will be as follows:
- At least one member will be an elected member of Senate;
- One faculty member from each of the four Faculties of Arts, Science, Sobey School of Business and Graduate Studies and Research;
- Two students appointed by the Students’ Association;
- Associate Vice-President, Teaching and Learning (or designate);
- University Librarian (or designate);
- One representative appointed by the Fred Smithers Centre for Student Accessibility
- One representative from the Accessibility Advisory Committee
- Secretary of Senate (non-voting recording secretary)
- At least 50% of the committee will be persons who self-identify as having disabilities.
- Senate will seek to appoint to this committee persons who have self-identified as having lived experience relevant to the mandate of this committee
- Committee shall seek ways to improve the knowledge base of members with regards to institutional policies, plans and procedures related to accessibility through consultation with relevant University committees and offices.
Membership 2024-2025
Dr Christa Brosseau, Elected member of Senate (Cochair)
Dr Paul Dixon (MGSC/Bus) (Cochair)
Dr. Rachel Zellars (SJCS/Arts)
TBA, (/Science)
Dr. Margaret MacDonald (/FGSR)
TBA Accessibility Committee Rep
TBA Learning and Teaching Representative
Ms Jennifer Tupper, one representative from the Studio for Teaching and Learning
Ms Alison Manley, representative from Library
Mr Bill Travis, representative from the Fred Smithers Centre
Ms Francesca Southwell (Student rep appt’d by SA to Apr/25)
Ms Charis Gervase (Student rep appt’d by SA to Apr/25)
Ms. Shannon Morrison, Secretary of Senate (Sect.)